March is National Nutrition Month


The Andrew County Health Department would like to encourage you to eat healthy by offering these 5 tips to kick bad eating habits to the curb.

1.) Eat Breakfast

The key to a good breakfast is balance. Include lean protein, whole grains and fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables. For example, oatmeal cooked with low-fat milk and sliced almonds and berries or crust-less quiche with mixed veggies, low-fat cheese and a slice of whole-wheat toast. 

2. Cut Back on Caffeine

Too much caffeine can interfere with sleep, can make you jittery and can cause you to lose energy later in the day.  Skip unwanted calories and sugar by drinking it as plain as possible.

3.) Bring Lunch to Work

Preparing the week's lunches over the weekend — bake chicken, chop veggies, steam rice. Make sure your options include a combination of lean protein and carbohydrates.

4.) Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and veggies add color, flavor and texture, plus vitamins, minerals and fibers to your plate.  Don't let winter stop you from enjoying produce either. It might be harder to find fresh options, but frozen and canned are great alternatives.

5.) Cook Dinner at Home

Making meals at home doesn't have to zap the last bit of your time and energy. The trick is to plan ahead.  Use shortcuts such as pre-cut or frozen veggies and keep staples on hand such as low-sodium broth, herbs and lemons for flavoring. A quick and easy idea is to turn leftover beef into stew with beans, no-salt-added diced tomatoes and pre-cut veggies.

This project is/was funded in part by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal and Child Health Services Contract #DH150006012 and is/was supported by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant #B04MC28109, Maternal and Child Health Services for $9,095,311, of which $0 is from non-governmental sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

Maternal Child Health Service Program

Andrew County Maternal Child Health Service Program

MCH is a Federal Title V Block Grant that is awarded to Local Health Departments to ensure the health of the nation’s women, children, and families. This program is the only program dedicated to improving the health of all women, children, and families and serves approximately 44 million women and children in the United States. In the past, the Andrew County Health Department has used the MCH Block Grant to enhance our community through Safe Haven and Safe Sleep education, carseat safety, water safety, ice safety, breasfeeding education and purchasing of breast- feeding supplies, Family Fun Color Run and other educational topics as they arise. Our upcoming workplan requires us to collect data from a variety of sources and compile and analyze this data in order to select a Priority Health Issue to address that best fits the needs of our county. This information is shown below.


This project is/was funded in part by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services Maternal and Child Health Services Contract # DH180014004, and is/was supported by the Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant #B04MC30623, Maternal and Child Health Services for $12,107,084, of which $0 is from non-governmental sources. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.

Missouri Poison Center - Poison Alert (Feb. 2018)



Medication Mixups Happen, Here's What To Do

It may be unexpected, but the poison center receives many calls every year about accidental ingestion of the pet’s medication. It is often hidden in something tasty like cheese or peanut butter and someone may accidentally grab it for a snack. Other times, a child crawls over to the bowl before the pet has a chance to eat their medicine. Even adults can mistake pet medication for a personal dosage. The correct response depends on the type of medication, so we explained a few of the most
common pet medications here.


Poison Spans All Ages

It doesn’t matter if you have a home with young kids, older adults, or any age in between – poisons span all ages. Read about some of our best poison
prevention and storage safety tips!

Read More


How Safe Is Your Home

An accidental poisoning can happen anywhere, especially at home. When it comes to poison safety, prevention is key. Download this handy checklist to make sure every room in your house is safe.

Read more

It Happens . . .

The section features REAL calls from REAL people. Because the Missouri Poison Center understands, IT HAPPENS!

Essential Oil Poisoning


Anonymous Caller:

A frantic parent calls about his young daughter getting into a bottle of peppermint oil. She smells strongly of peppermint, the skin around her mouth is red and she is crying. He has no idea how she was able to open the bottle. He reads the warning label on the bottle which states to keep out of the reach of children and to call the poison center for accidental ingestion.

Missouri Poison Center:

He was able to speak with an expert right away who gave him instructions to wash with soap and water, to rinse out her mouth, and to give her something to drink. An hour later the poison center called him back; the redness on her face was gone, she had some water to drink and she was back to being happy and playful.

Take Home Points:

Keep dangerous products out of reach of children, even if it has a child-resistant lid or packaging. Make sure you home is safe with this checklist.


Opioid Addiction

Together We'll Overcome the Opioid Epidemic

The opioid crisis has struck farm and ranch families much harder than the rest of rural America.

Farm towns will overcome this epidemic through strong farmer-to-farmer support and the resilience of our communities.

The nation's two largest farm organizations have teamed up to bring attention to the opioid epidemic in farm country and provide information and resources to help those struggling with opioid abuse.




An October 2017 Morning Consult survey finds that the opioid crisis has struck farm and ranch families much harder than the rest of rural America. Farmers report that it is easy for someone in their community to access a large amount opioids, while access to treatment and services is not so easy. The poll, sponsored by the American Farm Bureau Federation and National Farmers Union, has prompted a larger conversation on the importance of decreasing the stigma around opioid addiction in farming communities, and increasing awareness about resources available to those communities.





Learn more here